Created at 2023-10-01 16:47:38 , with PHPMetrics v2.8.2 (Jean-François Lépine).
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Maintainability / complexity (with comments)

Each file is symbolized by a circle. Size of the circle represents the Cyclomatic complexity. Color of the circle represents the Maintainability Index.

Large red circles will be probably hard to maintain.

Page Rank is a way to measure the importance of a class. There is no "good" or "bad" page rank. This metric reflects interactions in your code.

0.46 TestReportGenerator\src\Application\Views\TestView 55.74 31.11
0.34 TestReportGenerator\src\Application\Controllers\ReportController 32.73 6.24
0.1 TestReportGenerator\src\Application\Autoloader 70.8 49.45
0.1 TestReportGenerator\src\Application\Application 54.43 30.23
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