Each file is symbolized by a circle. Size of the circle represents the Cyclomatic complexity. Color of the circle represents the Maintainability Index.
Large red circles will be probably hard to maintain.
Page Rank is a way to measure the importance of a class. There is no "good" or "bad" page rank. This metric reflects interactions in your code.
ClassRank | |
0.12 | Modules\Accounting\Models\CostCenterL11n 104.38 56.19 |
0.12 | Modules\Accounting\Models\CostObjectL11n 104.38 56.19 |
0.07 | Modules\Accounting\Models\PostingAbstract 218.68 171 |
0.04 | Modules\Accounting\Models\CostCenter 105.99 58.18 |
0.04 | Modules\Accounting\Models\CostObject 105.99 58.18 |
0.04 | Modules\Accounting\Models\BalanceL11n 104.38 56.19 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\AccountType 118.3 73.84 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\PermissionCategory 106.23 65.38 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\NullCostObject 114.04 67.44 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\CostCenterL11nMapper 115.26 66.07 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\Balance 108.13 60.6 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\NullCostCenter 114.04 67.44 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\CostObjectL11nMapper 115.26 66.07 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\AccountAbstract 95.29 47.85 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\Posting 218.68 171 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\CostObjectMapper 114.34 65.04 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\AccountAbstractMapper 112.54 63.24 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\CostCenterMapper 114.34 65.04 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\Creditor 110.31 62.92 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\IncomeStatement 220.05 171 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\InvoicePosting 218.68 171 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\Debitor 110.31 62.92 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\TimeRangeType 116.01 69.71 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\BatchPosting 99.63 51.71 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Models\AccountL11nMapper 114.83 65.58 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Controller\ApiController 64.72 18.59 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Controller\Controller 118.25 69 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Controller\BackendController 76.62 29.95 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Admin\Status 219.56 171 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Admin\Installer 80.92 41.75 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Admin\Install\Navigation 119.72 71.69 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Admin\Uninstaller 219.56 171 |
0.01 | Modules\Accounting\Admin\Updater 219.56 171 |