Created at 2023-10-01 16:50:07 , with PHPMetrics v2.8.2 (Jean-François Lépine).
16 (100 %)
0 (0 %)
average LCOM
logical lines of code by class
logical lines of code by method
Class LCOM Volume Class cycl. Max method cycl. Bugs Difficulty
Documentor\src\Application\Models\Comment 1 2046 25 8 0.68 33.6
Documentor\src\Application\Views\TableOfContentsView 0 16 1 0 0.01 1
Documentor\src\Application\Views\DocView 4 1485.34 29 15 0.5 20.22
Documentor\src\Application\Views\MethodView 1 370.93 7 7 0.12 5.58
Documentor\src\Application\Views\TestView 0 16 1 0 0.01 1
Documentor\src\Application\Views\ClassView 1 1382.39 20 8 0.46 19.01
Documentor\src\Application\Views\GuideView 1 275.1 3 3 0.09 5.26
Documentor\src\Application\Views\BaseView 1 272.28 4 4 0.09 7.17
Documentor\src\Application\Views\CoverageView 1 186.81 3 2 0.06 4.67
Documentor\src\Application\Controllers\UnitTestController 3 727.51 6 5 0.24 10.34
Documentor\src\Application\Controllers\DocumentationController 1 2237.24 22 13 0.75 25.38
Documentor\src\Application\Controllers\GuideController 1 655.83 13 8 0.22 16.07
Documentor\src\Application\Controllers\MainController 1 111.13 1 1 0.04 2.6
Documentor\src\Application\Controllers\CodeCoverageController 3 2578.14 32 7 0.86 42.33
Documentor\src\Application\Autoloader 2 172.08 4 3 0.06 9.64
Documentor\src\Application\Application 1 1598.21 26 10 0.53 24.53