Created at 2023-10-02 16:04:37 , with PHPMetrics v2.8.2 (Jean-François Lépine).

Percentile distribution of logical lines of code by class



Class LLOC CLOC Volume Intelligent content Comment Weight
Modules\Accounting\Models\AccountType 8 8 8 16 44.46
Modules\Accounting\Models\PermissionCategory 13 8 28.53 57.06 40.85
Modules\Accounting\Models\NullCostObject 12 18 18.58 9.29 46.6
Modules\Accounting\Models\CostCenterL11nMapper 7 29 156 128 49.19
Modules\Accounting\Models\CostCenter 24 50 45 24.55 47.81
Modules\Accounting\Models\CostCenterL11n 25 60 76.4 32.17 48.2
Modules\Accounting\Models\PostingAbstract 4 8 0 0 47.68
Modules\Accounting\Models\Balance 23 44 23.22 11.61 47.53
Modules\Accounting\Models\NullCostCenter 12 18 18.58 9.29 46.6
Modules\Accounting\Models\CostObjectL11nMapper 7 29 156 128 49.19
Modules\Accounting\Models\AccountAbstract 43 80 167.52 19.45 47.44
Modules\Accounting\Models\Posting 4 8 0 0 47.68
Modules\Accounting\Models\CostObjectMapper 9 41 100.08 150.12 49.3
Modules\Accounting\Models\AccountAbstractMapper 9 41 180.94 208.08 49.3
Modules\Accounting\Models\CostCenterMapper 9 41 100.08 150.12 49.3
Modules\Accounting\Models\Creditor 18 33 23.22 26.54 47.39
Modules\Accounting\Models\IncomeStatement 7 26 0 0 49.05
Modules\Accounting\Models\InvoicePosting 4 8 0 0 47.68
Modules\Accounting\Models\CostObject 24 50 45 24.55 47.81
Modules\Accounting\Models\Debitor 18 33 23.22 26.54 47.39
Modules\Accounting\Models\TimeRangeType 10 14 15.51 31.02 46.29
Modules\Accounting\Models\BatchPosting 37 80 89.69 14.95 47.92
Modules\Accounting\Models\BalanceL11n 25 60 76.4 32.17 48.2
Modules\Accounting\Models\AccountL11nMapper 8 35 121.11 117.21 49.25
Modules\Accounting\Models\CostObjectL11n 25 60 76.4 32.17 48.2
Modules\Accounting\Controller\ApiController 265 358 2125.88 42.12 46.12
Modules\Accounting\Controller\Controller 10 44 19.65 39.3 49.26
Modules\Accounting\Controller\BackendController 124 189 2038.3 95.46 46.67
Modules\Accounting\Admin\Status 5 14 0 0 48.56
Modules\Accounting\Admin\Installer 53 27 649.28 38.47 39.17
Modules\Accounting\Admin\Install\Navigation 8 18 16.25 21.67 48.03
Modules\Accounting\Admin\Uninstaller 5 14 0 0 48.56
Modules\Accounting\Admin\Updater 5 14 0 0 48.56